Author Topic: Prospective Member Information  (Read 2135 times)


  • Administrator
  • Posts: 73
Prospective Member Information
« on: January 07, 2021, 11:54:34 AM »
The club has a formal constitution that specifies the rules for the management and membership of the club. Copies of the constitution are available to view in the Clubroom, on this site or upon request from the Secretary.

There are rules or Guidelines which have been put in place (copies are available in the clubroom or on this site) by the committee. These are there to provide a safe and friendly environment and assist all members in the smooth running of the club.

The club is managed by a committee normally consisting of up to seven people: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and no more than four others. Committee meetings are held twice a year or more often if appropriate.

Open to those aged 18 and over, permits attendance at the club on designated club days/evenings, allows involvement with all the club layouts, use of the facilities and voting rights (dependant on membership level) on club activity at the Clubs General Meetings. Junior members are welcomed if accompanied by an adult who must be a Full/Associate Member.

Membership subscription covers the rent and use of the club rooms, heating, lighting and insurance etc. and gives members the ability to talk with others over a shared interest and pursue their hobby in a comfortable environment it also allows members to gain access to the skills and advice from others within the club to grow their knowledge and capabilities.

The paying of materials for layouts being built comes from donations, sales and shows. A club website/newsletter is produced to keep members informed if they are unable to attend regularly, and there is a “Honesty box” for tea, coffee, and biscuits, which are always available. 'Running Days' are held throughout the year with members able to run anything they want whilst enjoying a bacon or sausage roll with a cup of tea and much talking!

You are welcome to attend several times to try the club out (before we start demanding money!).