1. Title
Stratford & District Model Railway Club (thereinafter referred to as the Club).
2. Objectives
The object of the Club shall be:
To foster, develop and further the interests of all members in aspects of railway modelling, prototype railways and allied pursuits, by providing members with information, advice and assistance on all matters connected with railway modelling, regardless of the members modelling interests and skills.
3. Committee
3.1 The committee shall comprise of: the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and no more than four full members.
3.2 The committee may, from time to time, co-opt members to serve on the committee for a specific position (e.g. Exhibition Manager, Social Events, etc.) or to assist the current committee as it sees fit.
3.3 Committee members will normally serve for a two year term of office. At an AGM at the end of the term all offices are eligible for re-election by the members attending. Nomination of candidates for election as Officers should be made in writing to the Secretary at least 14 days in advance of the Annual General Meeting date. Nominations can only be made by Full Members and must be seconded by other Full Members.
4. Membership
Membership of the Club is available to anyone regardless of gender, race or religion. There are three classes of membership:
4.1 Committee Membership
4.1.1 The Committee will consider applications for Committee Membership from Full Members.
4.1.2 Criteria for Committee Membership is that the applicant must have been a full member for a minimum of twelve months
4.1.3 Committee Members may be required to pay an increased subscription and will have full voting rights at all Meetings of the Club.
4.1.4 Full access at all times.
4.2 Full Membership
4.2.1 Application for Full membership of the Club is open to anyone age eighteen years or above.
4.2.2 Full membership subscription allows access on Club days and evenings or when accompanied by a Committee Member.
4.2.3 Full voting rights.
4.3 Associate Membership
4.3.1 Associate members pay a reduced subscription and do not have voting rights at General Meetings of the Club, do not have access code to Clubroom and not not allowed to have their own private layout at the Club.
4.3.2 Juniors under the age of eighteen attending the Club should be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who will be expected to become an Associate Member.
4.3.3 Access on Club days and evenings only, once a week, when accompanied by a Full or Committee Member.
4.4 Honorary Membership
4.4.1 Honorary Membership will be open to any person over the age of 18. This membership will be bestowed on any one recognised by the Committee for past support to the Cub or for their work in modelling.
4.4.2 Honorary Membership will be reviewed annually by Members at the Clubs AGM and approved by majority in attendance.
4.4.3 Honorary Members will not have voting rights.
4.5 Membership Application
4.5.1 The Committee shall have the power to reject an application for membership and shall not be required to give reasons for such rejection.
4.5.2 After due consideration the Committee may take action against any member whose conduct appears to be contrary to the best interests of the Club. The member shall be informed of this action in writing. The member will have 14 days to respond in writing to the allegation. After duly considering the reply, or failure to receive a written reply, the Committee may direct the members name to be removed from the membership list and will inform the individual in writing.
4.5.3 An ex-member applying to return after leaving the Club must do so in writing to the Committee where re-admittance will be voted on by Ballot or by use of the Black Ball system.
5. Meetings
5.1 The AGM of the Club shall be held once a year as soon as practicable after the end of the financial year.
5.2 An AGM shall be quorum when 4 of the members are present.
5.3 The purpose of the AGM shall be to:
i. Receive apologies for absence.
ii. Approve the minutes of the previous AGM.
iii. Consider matters arising from the minutes.
iv. Approve the accounts of the previous financial year.
v. Elect officers and committee members.
vi. Review subscriptions and other fees.
vii. Conduct any Other Business as requested by members.
5.4 An EGM may be called at any time. Fourteen days written notice must be given, detailing the reason for the meeting. The EGM may be called either by the Committee, or, by not less than 4 members who have jointly submitted their request in writing to the Secretary.
5.5 Voting at meetings will be by show of hands, ballot or use of the Black Ball system.
6. Finances
6.1 The financial year shall run from 1st April to 31st March the following year.
6.2 The annual accounts shall be independently examined by two Full Members who are nominated by the Committee. The independent Examiners should not include the Treasurer and must include one full member.
6.3 Subscriptions shall be reviewed and decided at the AGM or an EGM called for that purpose.
6.4 All subscriptions shall become payable in advance with immediate effect by Standing Order by the 20th day of the month. Any other payment method or period shall be at the discretion of the Club Treasurer. Arrears of subscriptions of two months or more will result in the member automatically forfeiting all membership rights until payment is brought up to date. No member may attend or vote at any AGM/EGM if their subscription is unpaid as at the date of the meeting. If non-payment is as a result of hardship, the member may apply to the Committee for special consideration. The decision of the Committee is final.
6.5 All purchases for the Club up to £50.00 must be sanctioned by at least two Committee members, one of whom must be the Club Treasurer.
6.6 Request for purchases of £50.01 or over should include a breakdown of items required, part numbers, costs, along with the proposed supplier and must be approved by at least three Committee members one of whom must be the Club Treasurer. The Treasurer will then purchase the item(s) from the Club funds as and when required.
6.7 No Club member will be entitled to receive reimbursement of payments other than of previously authorised expenditure. Any reimbursement due will be buy bank transfer.
6.8 All Club monies shall be kept in a bank account of which there should be 2 signatories.
7. General Matters
7.1 The Chairman will not vote. In the event of a tied vote the Chairman may cast the deciding vote.
7.2 Club property shall be held in trust by the Committee until such time as the Club be dissolved by EGM. Two fee paying members, who shall be appointed by EGM, shall be responsible for the disposal of the assets of the Club. After due settlement of any debts and repayment to the Development Account, the balance shall be decided for distribution by the Club members.
7.3 The Committee shall have the power to deal with all matters not provided for in the Rules.
7.4 The Club, it’s Officers and Members shall not be held liable for any loss, damage or injury, however caused, in respect of any persons or property, present at or participating in, any Club activity.
7.5 Guests may be introduced by any member, but no guest may be introduced whose application for membership has been declined, or who has been expelled from the Club.