Author Topic: Membership Rules  (Read 1842 times)


  • Administrator
  • Posts: 73
Membership Rules
« on: January 07, 2021, 11:45:37 AM »

The following ‘Rules’ should be treated more as guidelines to assist all members in the successful and smooth running of the Club and should be read in conjunction with the Clubs ‘Constitution’.

General Principles
●   Stratford & District Model Railway Club exists purely to offer an opportunity for like-minded modellers to construct models (the Clubs or their own) socialise together and nothing more.
●   All attendees should consider the Club as an informal gathering of people who will model together in a loosely structured format.
●   The Club is operated and managed by a group of members (the Committee) in their free time and these members cannot accept any responsibility for any events that occur at the Club. These members may or may not have taken any training.
●   All members are encouraged to volunteer helping within the Club, for example by assisting with layouts or by stewarding/assisting at a exhibition/open day or helping to organise an event. It does not need to be a major commitment, but it all helps spread the load.
•   All Club members will ensure that the premises are kept clean and tidy.
•   Any materials, tools and equipment donated to the Club shall become the property of the Club in perpetuity unless agreed otherwise at the outset.

Membership of the Club
●   The minimum age that we can accept is 18, or 16 if accompanied by an adult.
●   Notwithstanding the minimum age for entry, the Club does not discriminate against any attendees of ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or beliefs; or of age, sex or disability except as a necessary consequence of the requirements of premises.
•   The Management Committee shall approve all applications for membership.
•   Acceptance of membership shall be taken as acceptance of these Rules.
•   All members are expected to observe Club rules and behave reasonably, the Committee may ask for the resignation of any member who behaves inappropriately.

Club Meetings
•   The Club shall meet each week on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday daytime from approximately 10am to 2pm and on Tuesday evenings from 6pm to 9pm. These may be subject to change, please see the Club’s Website or Notice Board for up to date information.
•   A nominal donation, weekly is requested for the supply of tea, coffee etc.
•   On leaving the premises, members must ensure that all lights and sockets are switched off (including charging equipment). That all heaters are switched off except those specifically set on a timer, and that all doors and windows are locked and secure.
•   All attendees are expected to behave with mutual respect and in a way that does not endanger others or bring the Club into disrepute. Not complying with this may result in termination of membership.

Layouts/Projects/Rolling Stock
•   Members should note that funding for any layout/project is subject to the availability of funds received from donations, sales etc. and surplus membership subscriptions (subscriptions first and foremost are used for current/future rent and day to day operational costs).
•   Members should note that the Club does not purchase any rolling stock, however rolling stock donated or gifted to the Club may be used by members on Club layouts. Should a member require to take any rolling stock belonging to the Club home with them permission should be sought from a member of the Committee and duly noted.
•   Any layouts or rolling stock donated to the Club may be rejected or disposed off in full or in part to assist in supporting Club funds subject to the discretion of the Committee. If a layout is accepted a Project Leader to be appointed and annual budget agreed. The term ‘layout’ is deemed to mean:  baseboards, track work, scenery, electrical devices (attached to or required to operate the layout) and sundry other items donated to, or paid for by, the Club.
•   Only rolling stock belonging to the Club is insured. Members must ensure that they insure any rolling stock that they leave or use at the Club and that it is easily identified as belonging to them.
•   Members will be free to use their own rolling stock (if suitable) on Club layout(s). Due regard for this stock must be made by other members and ownership must be respected.
•   All current layouts/projects shall have a Project Leader/Layout Manager who will be responsible for submitting an annual budget to the committee for approval.
•   Any member(s)/potential project leader wanting to apply for funding for a layout/project should have demonstrated their commitment to the Club and ability to produce a potentially exhibitable layout for a local show over a minimum six month period.
•   The Project Leaders/Layout Managers will give a report on the progress of the layouts/projects at the A.G.M or if requested E.G.M.
•   New and existing members are encouraged to contact a Project Leader/Layout Manager should they wish to assist in any way with a particular layout/project.
•   Current layouts will continue to be funded within agreed budgets. Requests for funding from the appropriate Project Leaders/Layout Managers are subject to availability of necessary funds.
•   Modifications to any Club layout must be sanctioned by the appropriate Project Leader before commencement.
•   If a member or group of members wish to build a Layout/Project they will prepare a funding request proposal, including an annualised budget, stating what funding is required and submit it for acceptance by the committee which will determine its financial viability, budget and vote on it’s approval or rejection.
•   Committee members who are Project Leaders/Layout Managers will not be allowed to take part in any vote on a proposed layout/project.
•   If the proposal is granted, a Project Leader/Layout Manager will ensure regular submission of validated receipts in compliance with the agreed budget. Any expenditure over the agreed budget will require approval of the Committee. Payments will be made as outlined in the constitution.
•   Any Layout/Project donated to, funded in full or in part by the Club will belong to the Club. No funding will be given to Layouts/Projects that will be taken home and not available to the Club.
•   On the dissolution of the Club, layout(s), project(s) and any rolling stock will be offered in the first instance, to any remaining members, then to a likeminded model railway Club. Any monies will firstly pay off any outstanding debts and any remaining monies will be equally distributed to appropriate recipients.
Private Layouts/Projects
•   Full Members can request to have private layouts, or a modelling project at the Club room subject to approval and if space allows by the Committee, this approval may be revoked if no work has been evident over 12 weeks.
•   Any member who leaves, resigns or is expelled must remove their private layout within 6 weeks.
•   Private layouts abandoned by former members after six weeks will be forfeit to the Club and disposed of as the Club sees fit. Any monies raised will be forfeit to the Club account.
•   Private Layouts/Modelling Projects are not owned in any way by the Club and are therefore not classed as an active Club layout/project
•   Members should make arrangements to insure their layout, part of layout, project, models, tools or equipment being used or left at the Club.
•   A change in membership from Full Member to Associate membership may result in the any agreement for space being void.
•   If found necessary by the Committee, any layout/project left unattended by a current member for over six weeks may be moved/stored elsewhere in the Club.
•   Other members are able to operate the layout/work on project, subject to the owner’s direction.
•   To help promote the Club members should be prepared to exhibit/show part or all of their layouts/modelling projects, in whatever state of construction at the Clubhouse, if requested to do so by the Committee/Exhibition Manager
•   Agreed space is subject to availability and should be treated as temporary, if the Club require the space for Club/group layouts or projects, they will take priority.
•   If the Club has to move Clubrooms all agreements will be null and void and previous agreements do not give a right to a new agreement

Health & Safety
•   Attendance at the Club is at each member’s risk. All members have a duty of care towards every other member.
•   If you have any medical conditions that could affect you, it’s your responsibility to make the Club aware of these.
•   The Club, the Committee or members accept no responsibility or liability for any injury to any member’s person or damage to his/hers property.
•   There should be a minimum of 2 members at the Club at any time.
•   Any visitor(s) to the Clubrooms are to be accompanied by a member at all times. Club members have a duty of care towards the visitor.
•   The Club does not take responsibility for any injury, loss or damage that might arise as a result of participation in Club activities. Every person attending the Club must take full and complete responsibility for their own actions. Know your limits.
●   Any matters of concern should be directed to the committee via the Club secretary.

Working/Modelling within the Club
●   If you feel dizzy, faint or unwell it’s your responsibility to stop what you are doing and to notify other members of this.
●   If you stop mid-session you must not go home without notifying other members that you are doing so.
●   It’s your decision alone whether or not you are fit and able to work/model. If you are unsure consult your doctor.
●   Appropriate clothing and footwear for must be worn. You should dress appropriately for the weather.
●   When using soldering equipment, where possible heat proof mats must be used.
●   Ensure there is adequate ventilation when using paints & adhesives.
●   Designated passageways must be kept clear at all times.
●   Cable covers must be used where cabling crosses passageways.
●   When using extension leads/power tools please use RCD breakers provided.
●   During darker evenings, use external lighting to access parking area.
●   Each member must accept full and complete liability for their actions.
•   Any damage to the premises, Club equipment, and any injury to any person whilst on the premises must be reported to a committee member at the first available opportunity.
•   Members must not do anything whist on the premises likely to cause damage to the premises, Club equipment or surrounding premises; nor take such actions as to cause injury, annoyance, disturbance, inconvenience or nuisance to other Club members or the occupants of surrounding premises.
•   Members are urged to take all reasonable care of Club property.  Smoking is not allowed inside or in the immediate vicinity of the Clubroom.

Safety of Equipment
•   Safety checks shall be carried out on appropriate Club owned equipment on an annual basis.

•   The Club will publicise its existence and activities through appropriate media – including having an online presence through a Website.  The reasonable costs associated with this may be covered from Club funds at the discretion of the committee.   
•   Stratford & District Model Railway Club may use photographs of you with or without your name for publicity, advertising or website content relating to the Club’s activities. If you do not wish for this to happen, please contact the secretary.
•   Data Protection Act 1998 – it is a condition of membership that the Club may act as a Data Controller in respect of the personal data of its members. The provisions of the Act which relate to an Unincorporated Members Club apply.  The personal details of each member may be used for all or any of the following purposes; a) Mailing list(s) for distributing, or recording the distribution of, information and material of interest to members. b) The production and publication of a membership list to members of the Club for use only within the Club. c) Disclosures to computer operator(s) and/or services and/or a webmaster when required to repair/maintain equipment and/or programmes and/or the Club website.
•   Any member has the right to ask for any of their specific personal details, or all of their details, to be excluded from the published Membership List.
•   The Club Secretary should be advised in writing of the details to be excluded and in return the Club Secretary will confirm to the member concerned in writing that this has been done.

•   A copy of the ‘Clubroom Summary of Cover’ is available for members to view at the Clubhouse. Further information can be obtained if needed from the Club Secretary.

Please Note: These ‘Rules’ maybe subject to change. Changes will be agreed by the Committee and any changes notified to the membership.