Author Topic: S&DMRC Newsletter (21)  (Read 1054 times)


  • Administrator
  • Posts: 73
S&DMRC Newsletter (21)
« on: September 11, 2023, 18:13:08 PM »
Welcome to the latest issue of our Club’s Newsletter.
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28th & 29th October -Great British Train Show, Gaydon
Beginning of December -Club Christmas Lunch (TBC)
10th March 2024 -Club Show Stratford
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As the majority of our members are ‘off an age’ that is more perceptible to getting infections, can members please wash their hands and use the hand gel available when entering or exiting the clubroom and workshop, masks are available for those who wish to use them.
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We are taking a number of layouts to the show at Gaydon and assistance is needed on Friday 27th for help moving and setting up. Daytime on Sat 28th & Sun 29th  and to help dismantle the layouts and return to Club on the Sunday evening. Pleas let Alwyn know if you can help at all.
Also, if members have any items they would like to have on show, on the Club’s display stand, can they let Alwyn know.
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Our next Sausage Saturday will be on Saturday the    16th September 2023. Guests welcome, but please advise Peter of numbers attending. N, 00, 0 and G (subject to weather) gauge layouts should be in operation (Cutlers is set up for DC but can be easily changed to DCC), speak to Martin or Tony.
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If there are members who have difficulty getting to the Club during the day and would like to come on an evening, please let me know so a convenient evening can be arranged.
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The Clubs current ‘children's layout’ has been ‘de-commissioned’ and a new one is to be constructed. Helen will be ‘taking the lead’ on the build. It will be similar to the previous and if you would like to help please speak to Helen or one of the Committee.
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The date for the Club’s 3rd show will take place on Sunday 10th March 2024 at Stratford Bowls Club. Again as this year, help will be needed for the moving, setting up, operation and dismantling of layouts. Next year we will only have access to the rooms on Friday 8th and Saturday 9th so it will be ‘all hands on deck’.
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If members want have the opportunity to take part in further practical courses on scratch building with styrene by Alwyn and on electrics with Tony can you let them know. If there are other subjects members would like the Committee to organise a course on, please let us know.
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A successful day was had and thanks must go to Mike and Brian for taking Bodmin, also Alwyn & Peter for taking the ‘children's layout’.
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Following the success of recent trips, Tony is currently looking at future events for members these include, Fish n Chip supper on the GWSR, a trip on the Severn Valley Railway, a second trip to the Pendon Museum and a visit to the Tysley Steam Trust in Birmingham. Tony will advise when he has more information, in the meantime if there is somewhere else you think members would enjoy visiting, please let Tony know.
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I will shortly be compiling Newsletter Special Editions which will focus on members home layouts.
First up will be Alwyn's 'Barry West Pond'